Keeping in touch

Here are some ideas on how you can stay in touch with friends and family, individually or in groups using your phone or tablet.

March 21, 2020

Got a phone? Call someone

Phones were originally designed for talking to each other over long distances so it’s great that we can still call each other. Make some time every day to give someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, a quick call. You never know how timely it might be.

Group chats

Those morning trips to the cafe are going to be impossible during the closure of cafes and restaurants but why not try recreating it on WhatsApp or other apps like Telegram? If you all have iPhones you could use Facetime calling. Once you’ve set up your group, arrange a time that coincides with your usual meetup, grab a coffee from the cupboard or your Tassimo coffee maker and dial into your group for a natter.

Here are some links explaining how to set up and make group calls using your favourite apps.

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