On Sundays

Sunday mornings – 10.30am-12.00pm 

Our services are informal, so come as you are. We begin with prayer and worship for all ages with traditional and contemporary songs and bible readings. Our children and young people and their leaders are prayed for, and they leave for their sessions. Sung worship then leads into a sermon/talk, often followed by a time of response. Our services are open, flexible and encourage participation from the congregation. The last part of the service is more magazine style, with a mixture of updates and notices, an opportunity for a Sunday School group to share what they’ve been learning, and for prayer. The church supports a number of local, national and international organisations engaged in ‘mission’. Each week one of these causes is supported in prayer and the church updated on recent news.

At the end of the service, there is always time for tea, coffee and chat, to meet and greet new people and catch up with those you don’t get to see during the week. We regularly hold all-age services, where the whole church family meets and worships together. Once a month we share communion together.

Life events

We practice Believers’ Baptism by immersion. We dedicate children and are available to conduct marriages and funerals. For more information call us on 020 8314 1813 or email leadershipteam@croftonpark.org.uk.

Sunday School


Our Sunday School meets during the morning service. A dedicated team of leaders and helpers lead these 1-hour sessions. We have the  J Team and crèche facilities. The children and young people also get opportunities to participate in services throughout the year.



0-4 years

For those families with younger children, we have a crèche facilites in our lounge during services. A wide selection of toys are availalble, plus there’s a live feed of the service into the lounge.


J Team


The J Team are a group of enthusiastic 5-11 year olds who enjoy learning Bible stories, playing games and doing craft.


We have a safeguarding policy for children and vulnerable adults. All those who work with them as leaders or helpers have DBS disclosures.

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