Things for the kids to do this Pentecost
Looking for ideas to keep the kids busy and entertained this Pentecost? Here are some ideas and links to help you
As you may know, it’s Pentecost Sunday coming up, so I’ve pulled together a few resources that you can share with the J Team kids in your household if it’s of interest.
If you’re anything like me, life hasn’t got much slower since lockdown, so these are just some suggestions if you or they have the time over the next few days.
There are a couple of links to short youtube animations, and a link to some craft ideas.
The Pentecost Story – ANIMATIONS
This one is great for all ages – really simple and interesting.
The God’s Story channel had a whole series of short Bible story animations – great for using in the coming weeks.
This one is good but involves some reading.
This link has a range of Pentecost craft activities, many that don’t need too many resources!
Colouring sheets
Google ‘Pentecost colouring sheets’ – there are loads to choose from
General downloadable Childrens work resources
This is a good website that has lots of bible stories and resources relating to them, quizzes, wordsearches etc.
Lots of content and ideas from Scripture Union:
These guys wrote ‘Big family of God’, one of the songs we often use in services
Kid’s blessing
Overall the internet is a great resource for all sorts of material and ideas – from crafts, Bible stories, videos. It’s worth exploring if you have time!
Share what they’ve done!
If the kids in your household get creative – we’d love to see what they produce! Take a picture, do a short video, and we can share it as part of our morning service broadcast.
Share what you’ve found
If you’re already got some go-to places online for ideas, songs, content, let us know – thanks!