15 February 2020
Join us for an evening of traditional South African dishes and a preview of our tour repertoire! All ticket sales will support Elevate Dance Company on their outreach tour to South Africa in May 2020.
Dinner and dance performance by Elevate Dance Company
Join Elevate Dance Company in celebrating global flavours and contemporary dance at their ‘Taste of South Africa’ fundraising dinner on Saturday, 15 February at 7 p.m. Dinner patrons will enjoy a three-course meal of traditional South African dishes as well as a short dance performance by company members. The dinner will be held here at Crofton Park Baptist Church. All ticket sales will support Elevate Dance Company on their outreach tour within the UK, Europe, and South Africa. For more information about the company or to reserve tickets for the event, visit www.elevatetour2020.eventbrite.co.uk.
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