We believe that meeting together in smaller home groups is an essential part of church life. We also believe in diversity and the groups listed below, whilst fitting comfortably alongside one another, offer different styles of leadership and content…
Daytime House Group – Alternate Wednesdays @ 1pm. This group meets at the church for Bible Study and fellowship.
Berean Cell – Alternate Wednesdays @ 8pm. Meet to examine the Scriptures with a theological depth that is exciting and challenging and to apply the lessons learnt.
Homegroup – Tuesdays @ 8pm. Meet to study the Bible, discuss, pray and worship together, as well as having regular social events.
Huxbear House – Wednesdays @ 8pm. Meet to enjoy each other’s company, study a Bible based topic and pray together. Their programme also includes social evenings with wonderful food.
Ekklesia – Alternate Mondays @ 7.30pm This group is for young adults aged 17 and above who meet together to share Scriptures and how they apply to contemporary life.