Sunday worship 10:30am – 12:00pm


Crofton Prk Baptist Church

Huxbear Street, Brockley, London SE4 1EA

Church moves online

by | Dec 20, 2020

As you will no doubt by now be aware, due to the seemingly much more rapid spread of a more highly contagious variant of the Covid-19 virus, London has been moved into a new and stricter Tier 4 level of restrictions. Places of worship are not being forced to close as yet.  Despite this, the leadership here at Crofton Park Baptist feels it is for the best to make the difficult decision to once again cease gathering for worship until the situation improves.

We recognize that this may come as a big disappointment to some, especially for Christmas Day. However, on balance we feel that our primary responsibility at this time is to both act, and be seen to act responsibly to protect all of us, especially the vulnerable people in our church community and beyond. We will review the situation in mid-January. In the meantime, we will continue to provide an online Sunday service, including this coming Friday for Christmas Day at 10.30am. 

Pastor Steve

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