Call to Prayer January 2021
Matthew 11v28: Jesus said come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Following the announcement last Sunday regarding “A Call to Pray” during the month of January 2021. Please see below for a reminder of the details.
- We encourage you to join with us and read the book of Ephesians and pray in unison.
- A schedule for each week’s reading and days to pray can be found below.
- You will receive an email reminder every week during the month, which will contain some suggested points for prayer.
- There will be no weekly virtual meetings this time, but we plan to have a Saturday morning prayer meeting at the end of the month or beginning of February for as many as can join us – probably by Zoom. During this meeting, there will be an opportunity for anyone to share how you feel God has spoken to you during the prayer month.
Week 1 (3-10 Jan 2021) Reading Ephesians Chapters 1&2
Call to Pray Monday 3 – 4pm: Wednesday 10.30am – 11.30am: Friday 7.30pm – 8.30pm.
Week 2 (11 -17 Jan 2021) Reading Ephesians Chapter 3v1 – Chapter 4v16
Call to Pray Monday 3 – 4pm: Wednesday 10.30am – 11.30am: Friday 7.30pm – 8.30pm.
Week 3 (18 -24 Jan 2021) Reading Ephesians Chapter 4v17 to end of chapter 5.
Call to Pray Monday 3 – 4pm: Wednesday 10.30am – 11.30am: Friday 7.30pm – 8.30pm.
Week 4 (25 -31 Jan 2021) Reading Ephesians Chapter 6
Call to Pray Monday 3 – 4pm: Wednesday 10.30am – 11.30am: Friday 7.30pm – 8.30pm.
Every Blessing for 2021.
Nwabs, Judith and Maudlyn
Week 1: 3 – 9 January
Where possible, we encourage you to pray in unison with others at these times:-
Monday 3-4pm; Wednesday 10.30am–11.30am; Friday 7.30pm–8.30pm
If these times are not convenient, please pray whenever works in your schedule.
During the course of the month, we’re focusing on reading the book of Ephesians
This week’s reading is Ephesians chapters 1 & 2
There will be no weekly virtual meetings this time, but we plan to have a Saturday morning prayer meeting at the end of the month or beginning of February for as many as can join us – probably by Zoom. During this meeting, there will be an opportunity for anyone to share how you feel God has spoken to you during the prayer month.
Some suggested pointers for prayer this week
- Pray for the online Sunday services, that despite the present circumstances they may be vehicles for the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit
- Pray for our neighbouring streets and the local community, that we may be faithful representatives of the Good News during this pandemic, discerning and embracing opportunities to share the hope we have in Jesus in different ways.
- Pray that we as the scattered church of Crofton Park may fulfil the purposes God has for us during this lockdown period, and eventually emerge from it into the purposes he may have for us in the future.
- Pray for the NHS as they struggle to cope with the strain Covid-19 is putting on their resources
- Pray for the country as we leave the EU and embark on a new journey in the midst of a pandemic
- Pray for our children and teachers during the school closures, and for parents’ juggling work schedules and commitments with child care and home learning
Focus verse
“Perhaps the Lord will help us, for nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few”
(1 Samuel 14:6, New Living Translation)