Spring is taking its time to make an appearance. What can we learn from waiting for things to happen?
It’s officially Spring, yet despite the snowdrops, daffodils and catkins, this week of early March is bringing a blast of winter once more. Spring doesn’t seem to be here just yet. It is slow in coming. And, if you are like me, we are impatient for Spring to come in all its glory. We are impatient for Summer. When we plant our seeds, we keep looking for signs of germination and growth, we want everything to come, now.
As you may have heard at my ordination, the journey from the initial sense of call to ministry to finally being ordained last week, spanned many years. It was a slow process with many humps and bumps on the way. Sometimes I really wondered if I had heard God’s voice aright, but then something would happen, and that sense of call grew stronger. So, what was happening during all those years? I would say that it was the slowness of discipleship, like the seeds planted in the ground, steadily germinating and growing.
Easter is still a month away, even though the shops suggest otherwise with their displays of eggs and bunnies. We long for Easter and resurrection glory, but we are called to the slow walk of discipleship through Lent. Discipleship isn’t always glorious, like Spring. Often discipleship is hard-going, painful, and confusing. The German theologian and martyr, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, famously stated that ‘When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die’. Bonhoeffer was murdered on the orders of Hitler just a month before the end of WW2.
Spring is coming, Easter is coming, resurrection glory is coming, but for now we are all called to the slow and steady walk of discipleship. God calls us to walk humbly, and sometimes we might feel lost, yet as we walk the path of discipleship, God walks with us by the Spirit and God is always calling us onto new adventures.
Fran Bellingham
Assistant Pastor
Getting fit?
In her first blog article of the year, Fran talks about getting spiritually fit along with the challenges when you hit a bump in the road.
Advent 4 – Hope
In her fourth instalment Fran talks about the hope that comes from the birth of a boy.
Waste Not Want Not – Advent Reflection 3
This week Fran highlights the parallels between our current climate emergency and Isaiah’s prayer found in chapter 35 of his book.
Advent 2 – A reflection on Isaiah 11:1-9
Sometimes we get given gifts we don’t expect.
Longing for Peace
As we approach Advent, this article looks at the Book of Isaiah and how it reflects the world today where we long for peace.
Stir up Sunday
Fran Bellingham shares a lesson on what it means to be stirred into action and what happens if we get tired and settle.
Things for the kids to do this Pentecost
Looking for ideas to keep the kids busy and entertained this Pentecost? Here are some ideas and links to help you
Meeting our Maker
Ray Brown of Grace Church Brockley gave a sermon on Genesis. He spoke about how the here and now can be traced back to the first chapter in the bible. He went through a list of verses throughout the bible that refer to the first twelve chapters...
Working hand in glove
A quick recap of our all-age service looking at how God’s power works in us. We got all interactive with high vis jackets, water and measuring tape.
Getting through the dark times
Rob’s testimony tells of trying times and trusting in God to get him through the darkness when all around were falling. His testimony is encouraging reading to all those going through trying times.